An Information System building platform. Simitless lets any small business build an information system that fits their need. It lets your build business apps mostly and its strength is in centralizing information and collaborating in real-time.

A Youtube channel celebrating the spirit of Débrouille. Débrouille is the art of getting by, to fend, to manage, to cope, to untangle, to straigten out and to unravel out. Débrouille, it's simply to make one's own way.

A rural experimentation space. The project of an open multi-purpose workshop designed to let creativity wild but also to allow local businesses to launch and general folks to take back control of their objects by reparing them themselves.

A rural artisan software shop. Software is at the base of everything nowadays. This small software shop tackles small projects (and sometimes some that are too big) for both companies and the general public. Open source is always favored.

A scientific vulgarisation channel in French. Attempting to explain scientific concepts of everyday life that we often take for granted but that are not always obvious to the non-scientist.

Academic work
Summary of a past life as a researcher, a manager, a builder of corporate and academic things alltogether. A collection of experiences on the path to independance.
A life of projects
Through my projects, I decided to open up to the world, to discover the latest technologies and to maintain traditional knowledge. From artificial intelligence to wood planes. From the car maintenance to the production of traditional farming seeds in permaculture. Where does knowledge stop? My goal is to discover and help people discover unknown or forgotten knowledge and techniques. In complete freedom, in complete autonomy, from project to project, I wish to achieve a life of independence or of reasoned co-dependence.
A possible future
The next big things in my projects
Simitless is an online platform that enables coders and non-coders alike to build customized online application software to centralize information and manage professional data.
Débrouille.co is a bi-lingual Youtube channel celebrating the spirit of Débrouille. Débrouille is the art of getting by, to fend, to manage, to unravel out. Débrouille, it's simply to make one's own way.
MayetLab is a project to create a "third place" to enable people to build projects. Makers and professionals will be able to share tools and know-how. The general public will be able to fix their objects and learn.